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发布时间:2017-11-29       发布者:       浏览次数:



讲座题目:A Systematic Investigation of General Nonlinear Road Pricing


时间:2017年12月1日(星期五),14:30-16:00 pm




General nonlinear road pricing charges each traveler based on the quantity of

a particular individual traffic-related attribute and could adopt any appropriate

tolling function. We have conducted a series of investigation on the general

nonlinear pricing in context of managing travel demand, mitigating traffic

congestion and reducing vehicular emission. Specifically, we explore the

performance of the first-best nonlinear pricing, which is defined as the pricing

scheme without restriction on tolling function form, tolled area or tolled individual

attribute. We also propose an optimal tolling function design framework that is generally

applicable to any nonlinear attribute-based road pricing. Finally, using the

distance-based pricing in linear continuous cities, we address two fundamental

questions: i) what is the value of pricing’s nonlinearity for mitigating

traffic congestion? ii) if a nonlinear tolling function is implemented, should

it be convex, concave or other shape?

简介:何方博士,现任清华大学工业工程系副教授。他的研究兴趣包含交通网络建模、数据驱动的交通管理和可持续交通。相关研究已经在交通运输领域知名学术期刊(如Transportation Research Part B and Part C)上发表SCI论文17篇。目前,他担任《Transportation Research Part C》编委,中国管理科学与工程学会交通运输管理分会委员以及清华-戴姆勒可持续交通研究中心执行委员等专业职务。他的团队的研究正在被国家自然科学基金、北京自然科学基金、交通运输部、阿里巴巴和戴姆勒等机构资助。何方博士于2014年在美国佛罗里达大学获得工学博士学位,同年被可持续工程学院授予研究生学术杰出奖。他于2010年在清华大学获得工学学士学位。 

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